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Putnam County R-I Schools



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Catapulting Into Science!

They say that time flies but wow!  I feel like I blinked and it was midterm.  This month, our Stem Wednesday event was for the students to build catapults.  I gave each of the student groups 15 pencils and rubber bands along with a plastic spoon.  Each class had 20 minutes to construct a catapult with only the materials that I provided them.  When the 20 minutes were up, students had to use their catapult device to launch a Starburst candy across the classroom.  The group that got the farthest distance in each class was the winner.  I could tell that the students were very excited and everyone was working very well together as a group.  This type of activity really helps to promote collaboration and social skills along with the cognitive/critical thinking skills as well.



Sixth grade is finishing up a unit about scientific inquiry, branches of science, and scientific models.  This week I had students make their own paper airplanes as a type of model.  We constructed a table on Google Docs to record each of their three trials and also had a place for them to put the average of the three trials.  Today we went out to the track and tested our models.  Needless to say they really enjoyed this part.  Each group had a metric tape measure to find the distance of each flight and they recorded them into their science journals to later copy into the table on their Chromebooks.  Remember that if you ever have any questions please email me at tklinginsmith@putnamcountyr1.net.