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Putnam County R-I Schools



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One Mumps Case Reported

This message is to inform you that aan unconfirmed case of mumps has been reported in someone who attends Putnam County R-1 Schools.  The district does not have, and of course could not provide, detailed information on this person’s condition.  However, we have received general information from the Health Department and other sources that can be shared with the public.  We understand that parents are concerned about their children's health.  According to the information that has been shared with us, mumps is most contagious from one to two days before to to five days after the onset of swelling of the salivary glands. If exposed, symptoms may take 12-25 days to present.

It is not necessary to conduct disinfection procedures on school premises. Also, the state no longer advises that non-immunized children be excluded from school due to the severity of the disease. That said, we want you to be aware that the district is consulting with and following the advice of public health officials and will continue to do so.  In the meantime, if you or any member of your family experiences symptoms that cause concern, please consult your healthcare provider.  Vaccine is available at the Putnam County Health Department for those who are interested. If the district receives additional information that may be shared, you will be informed as quickly as possible. A letter with information from the Health Department will be sent home with students this week.