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Putnam County R-I Schools

High School


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Learning and Overcoming Fears

Every month, a different science class gets the opportunity to feed the classroom pet snake, Neguina, a ball python, and this month, it was the students in chemistry class who got the opportunity to see the cycle of life in action. The class has been studying about the frequencies that different wavelengths of light produce and how snakes locate their prey using the prey's infrared signature that snakes can "see" using special sensory organs on their faces. While watching the feeding, some students ventured to test their courage by holding the tarantula, Rosie...all in the name of science, of course! It was a rare opportunity for her to be out and while few students tried to handle her, interestingly, tarantulas make surprisingly gentle pets. Perhaps next month, another class will show the same nerves of steel that this one did!