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Putnam County R-I Schools

Middle School


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Middle School Character Education

August Trait of the Month: Respect

August Student of the Month Winners Left to Right: Avery C.J, Kloey P, Jude W.

Character Education Winners for Respect Back row, left to right: Gretchen D, Jesslyn K, Erin F. Front Row: Albany W, Wyatt H.

Good Attitude Winners for the Month of August Left to right: Trace R, Alex H, Grace H.

Paul Riley Community Winner for Respect

Paul Riley was the community winner for the August character trait of the month, respect. Paul is a Putnam County graduate and worked for Putnam County R-1 Schools for 29 years. Now he keeps busy with his mowing business, cleaning other businesses in town, and going to auctions. Paul demonstrates respect in many ways with his cheerful smile, willingness to serve, and the life he leads. This is the second time Paul has been nominated and honored by students for living out the word respect.


Good attitude winners are nominated by teachers in the middle school and are students who have shown positive attitudes in the classroom and among their peers. They will receive 2-10 bonus points coupons with their certificate. The following students are great examples of a positive attitude for everyone at Putnam County R-1: 6th grade Grace H, 7th Grade Trace R, and 8th grade Alex H.


The following are our character education winners for the word respect for the month of August: 6th grade, Gretchen D, 7th grade Joey H, and 8th grade Erin F. The winners received a t-shirt, a concession stand voucher and a plaque.


Three students were selected as students of the month for the month of August. The students who receive this award have displayed outstanding behavior, a positive attitude, and have been a great role model for his or her peers. The winners received a certificate, a button that allows them to get into events free for the school year, and a box of candy. The winners are 6th-grade Avery C.J, 7th-grade Jude W, and 8th-grade Kloey P.