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Putnam County R-I Schools

High School


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Gooey Mixtures in Science Club

Every week, the science club meets on Fridays. Usually, students are working on their Science Olympiad events for the competition held at Truman State University in February, but this Friday they got into the spirit of Halloween with some gory mixtures, learning how to make fake skin and blood. We also extracted fluorescein from highlighters that give off a really cool glow both in regular light and even more so under blacklight. 

Beyond the competition the students are working on, the club has a variety of topics that we hope to work on throughout the year, to include optics and lasers, circuitry, dry-ice projects and maybe even pulling back the oldie but goodie...rocketry. 

On November 5, the club will start their fundraiser which will help fund some of the supplies the students will need to complete some of their projects for the Olympiad. The goods they will be selling are quite varied and fun, so don't miss out! There are also seasonal gifts included in this sale that will be in before the holidays. Just ask any of the science club members and they'll be happy to help you out.