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Putnam County R-I Schools



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Sundaes and Slideshows

During our last few weeks of school, we have been learning how to add and subtract with money and how to create a slideshow. Students were given an ice cream sundae menu and told they only had $6 to spend creating their perfect sundae. They had to choose very wisely what items they wanted and had to make sure they had enough money. Then students learned how to create a Google Slideshow over how they wanted their sundae to be made. They LOVED learning how to create a slideshow almost as much as they loved their sundaes.

When it was all said and done, each student presented their slideshow to me so I would know how to create their sundae. Then to top it all off, they had to pay for their sundae with mixed money and change. These sundaes and slideshows proved to be a wonderful ending to our 3rd-grade math!