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Putnam County R-I Schools



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Dressing Your Student for Cooler Temperatures

Hey Putnam! It looks like cooler temps are on the way. Here are a few reminders about cold weather and some general guidelines on how to dress your student(s) to keep them safe and warm in cooler temps.


60 degrees and warmer: Short sleeves are okay

50-60 degrees: Child must wear long sleeves

40-50 degrees: Child must wear a jacket

30-40 degrees: Child must wear a winter jacket, hat, and mittens or gloves

Below 30 and if snowy: Full set of snow gear (winter jacket, snow pants, hat, mittens, and boots)


Our elementary students must wear appropriate attire to be able to go outside for recess when the temperatures drop. Thank you for helping to keep our students safe, warm, and healthy. We appreciate you!