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Quick Writes

February 12, 2015


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Whenever we have a few minutes to spare within the classroom I think that it is important to get students involved in short creative tasks.  I love completing quick writes with my students.  Since Valentine's Day is coming up I thought it would be fun to get my students creative juices flowing by throwing a few writing prompts out that were related to the time of year.

The first quick write that the students completed started out as "My Valentine's Day box starting talking....".  The students had a blast with this one.  I had boxes that were telling jokes, eating candy, dancing, and demanding Valentine's Day cards.   The students that wanted to share their writings were energetic and made everyone laugh.

The second quick write that the students wrote about started out as " The box of chocolates started dancing across the countertop...".  The students came up with all kinds of crazy reasons why the box of chocolates were moving.  We had natural disasters, prank jokes, dreams, and even "live" chocolate pieces.  

I love allowing the students to just write.  They know that they will not be graded on punctuation, grammar, capitalization, or even idea.  I just want them to feel comfortable with writing down their thoughts on a piece of paper.  I want them to explore the creativity that they each have stored up within their own thoughts.

Thank you to the students that are willing to take the challenge and just write!