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Mock-Election Mimics Public Sentiment

Jacquie Volk

November 09, 2016


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Yesterday, as the nation’s adults voted for the next President of the United States, Putnam county middle schoolers were doing just the same. All 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students present participated in our mock-election and our results seemed to foreshadow what was to come.The results are as follows: 6th grade - 92% for Trump; 7th grade - 87% Trump; 8th grade - 100% for Trump. Our student population voted almost unanimously (93%) for Donald Trump and this morning we learned that he was indeed our new president-elect. I must say there was much celebration in our building this morning!


Because Mrs. Sivetts and I, between us, teach every student in this building, and given their unexpected interest in all of the hoopla, we decided to hold a mock-election. We both thought it important that the kids felt included, somehow, in the Democratic process this year, given their constant chatter about what they were seeing in the media. To connect it to learning, the kids were instructed to also write a persuasive paragraph supporting their decision. That way, everyone was satisfied, students and teachers alike.


I wish to express my gratitude to Mrs. Sivetts for allowing me to be a part of this and for all of her help with the activity. Also, a big thank you goes out to our students, for allowing me (a non-citizen) to be part of this experience. Although we all knew it wasn’t “for real,” we all seemed to get caught up in the process and I found it very rewarding. These young kids are already good citizens; their enthusiasm and love of country is very real! I hope that all of you out there are as proud of them as we are!