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Putnam County R-I Schools



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10th Annual Mini Midget Cheer Camp

The PC Cheerleaders are our holding our 10th annual cheer/dance camp. Participants will learn fun cheers and a dance from the high school cheerleaders. All participants have the opportunity to perform at the Midget football pre-game show on September 20th and the Homecoming assembly on Friday, October 4th. Participants should wear dark bottoms and any Midget blue & white shirt to the assembly and football game (if attending). Please return the registration forms and payment to your school’s office by Tuesday, September 17, 2019. 

Cheer Camp will be:

  • Thursday, September 19th
  • 3:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
  • High School Gym – Please come to the HS gym to pick up your child.
  • $15 cash or check (checks should be made payable to PCR-I Schools)