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Putnam County R-I Schools

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No Snow Make-Up Days

There have been lots of questions lately regarding our recent school closures due to the weather.  Are we really safe from having to make days up?  


The simple answer is -- we do not have to make up snow days!


As you may recall from earlier communications, the school calendar rules changed starting with the 2019-2020 school year.  There are no longer a required number of days, only a required number of hours.  According to the DESE documents, if a school planned the minimum of 1044 hours + 60 planned weather make up hours (total of 1104 hours) the school district or charter school does not have to make-up any weather days missed since the maximum required make-up hours were included in the original planned calendar.  


For Putnam County, the 2019-2020 planned calendar is 1105.9333 hours.


Please feel free to read the following DESE documents if you want even more information:

