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The Great Egg Drop

by Danyel Fitzpatrick

April 30, 2012


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Last week, student's were given the task of creating an egg "package" that would save an egg from breaking when dropped.  Students worked in pairs to create their egg package and were allowed to use a variety of materials including Tupperware containers, napkins, rubber bands, shaving cream, foam, straws, tape, aluminum foil, plastic spoons, and disposable bowls.  The students had one 45 minute class period to develop a plan for their egg package and follow it through.  During the next class period, we prepared the eggs for their "Drop Off" of approximately 8 feet.  Once the eggs were placed in their packages, we went outside dropped the eggs and their packages.  During the first drop, 2 out of 4 eggs survived.  Students then went back to the drawing board to fix their packages before the second drop.  During the second drop, all 4 eggs survived.  With proud smiles, students returned back to the classroom and were treated to a snack which consisted of scrambled eggs.  :)