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The Unidentified Flight-less Object

October 27, 2017


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The sixth grade students were given the opportunity to listen to a member of the community speak about being a writer.  Mrs. Jane Halley conversed with the sixth grade students about how she became a published author.  Prior to this event I had read The Unidentified Flight-less Object, written by Jane Halley, to my sixth grade students.  I used Mrs. Halley’s book to help teach dialogue tags.  As I read this book aloud the students recorded all dialogue tags in their notebooks.  We analyzed the different tags and discussed how we could use some of the tags in our own writings.

Jane Halley was very kind to take time out of her day to come speak to the sixth grade students.  She gave them examples of how she completed the writing process and how her book was illustrated then published.  I hope that by inviting authors and illustrators to our school  the students  will realize that the opportunity to share their talents are out there.  The students need to be aware that  just because a person lives in a small community doesn't’t mean that the  connections to great things are not out there.  I want my students to have confidence in their talents and strive to do anything that they set their minds to.

Mr. and Mrs. Halley graciously donated a copy of The Unidentified Flight-less Object to all of the sixth grade students.  This is an amazing gift and I hope that the students treasure it.