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ELA Updates

March 21, 2018


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The sixth grade students have been working extremely hard in the classroom.  They have been writing informative essays, humorous limericks, and just finished reading the book The Giver.  We have been dissecting MAP Practice items; trying to understand what the questions are truly asking and then analyzing how to answer the questions correctly.  

In reading, the students are excited to start watching the movie for The Giver.  While watching, the students will be required to take notes comparing and contrasting the movie and the book.  After they have finished the movie, the students will be writing a compare/contrast essay.  

In writing, the students are diligently working on completing MAP Practice items.  The most recent skill that they have been practicing is reading and understanding a drama.  The students have been able to have speaking parts which makes class a little more interesting.  I think that these students will put on a spectacular play when they are 7th and 8th graders!