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Putnam County R-I Schools



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SIS Parent Portal - A Useful Tool!

The Student Information System (SIS) that is utilized at Putnam County R-I is a valuable tool for teachers, parents, and students.  Online bill payments through PayPal have recently been opened up to faculty.  This will allow us to work out any bugs, and will be accessible to all parents second semester.  It will be an excellent way to pay lunch balances!

Thanks to all parents who participated in Parent/Teacher Conferences last week.  We had sixty-two percent of high school parents attend that night, which again speaks to the quality of our community.  We continuously strive to see that number higher, and to increase the methods by which we can communicate with you.  One of those is the parent portal of SIS.  It allows parent access to grades, attendance, and lunch/breakfast records as well as teacher grade books.  Click here to find the agreement page if you have not already signed up for it. Parent Portal Agreement

Although it is an improved method of communication, it can still lead to some frustration, which is why this article is being written.  This is an effort to keep you apprised of dates you can count on for everything in teacher grade books to be updated.  Teachers are expected to keep their online grade book up-to-date every two to three weeks throughout the school year.  For the 2012-2013 school year, the following are dates upon which all grades are to be entered by teachers.  Please contact the office if you have any questions.

November 16

December 6

January 2

January 16

January 28

February 15

March 12

March 26

April 10

April 29

May 17