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Putnam County R-I Schools

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Schuyler County 7th-Grade Basketball Tournament

Schuyler County hosts their annual 7th-Grade Basketball Tournament on November 16, 18, 20, and 21. Be sure to check out Schuyler's rules before heading out. 

Schuyler County Tournament Bracket Schedule

Update: There will NOT be a 7th-grade boys game on Friday since Milan had to drop out for that game.

Schuyler County Winter Fan Protocols and Expectations

Fan Capacity: Schuyler R-I Schools will be operating under a less than %40 gym capacity for
all JH and HS basketball games.

Tickets: The district is allowing each home participant (player/coach/cheerleader/band
member) 4 tickets per home game. Visiting schools will be given 75 total tickets to disperse as
they see fit. 
Again, only 75 tickets per community when you visit Schuyler County.

Cheer: To reduce numbers in the gym, we are asking schools to NOT bring cheerleaders/pep
bands/ or pep busses when visiting Schuyler R-I.

Home/Visiting Fans: Both sides of the bleachers will be marked with “X”s. These are spaced 6
feet away from each other and we ask families to try their best to sit together and on these “X”s.
- Visiting fans will sit on the south side of the gym, behind both teams benches.
- Home fans will sit on the north side of the gym.
- Masks are recommended when social distancing is not possible.

- Schuyler booster club will still be running a concession stand. The menu may be limited.
- Locker rooms will be provided.
- We request that spectators sit with family members in socially distanced pods